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Delta Electronics as a strong partner in electronics production

The hardware developer Delta Electronics specializes in the production of complex high-performance solutions for various industries.

The Delta Group established its EMEA regional headquarters in Hoofddorp, near Amsterdam, in 1995 to pursue Delta's corporate mission: "To provide innovative, clean and efficient energy solutions for a better future."

For almost 20 years, Delta EMEA has continued its commitment to R&D to support major industries with advanced energy-saving technology and solutions.

With the acquisition of the Energy Systems business from Ascom, a Swiss company, in 2003, Delta has leveraged the excellent technical resources and energy design knowledge that have been in place since 109 to further develop in the telecom, industrial and medical markets.

As a result, Delta is able to offer complex high-performance solutions and a broader product portfolio, which has been a significant step forward and strengthened Delta's position in the European market.

Today, Delta is one of the leading providers of power and thermal management solutions in Europe, North and South America, Asia and emerging markets. With 22 sales offices and 9 R&D labs across the region, Delta EMEA also acts as a strong partner for many successful companies in various fields such as industrial automation, building automation, data centers, renewable energy and electric vehicle charging solutions.

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