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Chemtronics is a leader in the manufacture of high purity solvents

Chemtronics is a leader in the manufacture of high purity solvents

GUDECO is a Chemtronics distributor and carries the manufacturer's solder, cleaners and sprays.

Chemtronics has been a leader in electronics maintenance and repair since 1958. Chemtronics products have become synonymous with superior performance, quality and innovation for hundreds of thousands of technicians around the world. Since then, the company's product offering has grown from a handful of cleaners to a complete line of high-purity solvents, cleanroom-quality swabs and wipes, and precision rework and repair tools for the electrical, electronics and telecommunications industries.

ITW Chemtronics products are manufactured to an ISO9001: 2000 quality standard to ensure that every product is continuously manufactured to the same high quality standards. Since 1999, ITW Chemtronics has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Illinois Tool Works Inc.

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