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14.05.2024 - 16.05.2024
Di - Do




Messe Frankfurt

Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main

The 14th Optatec 2024 in Frankfurt on the Main.

The 14th Optatec will take place at Messe Frankfurt from May 14 to 16, 2024. This trade fair has a firm place in the industry and offers a first-class platform for the development, production and industrial application of optical components, fiber optics, optoelectronics, optomechanics, laser components, optical fibers and manufacturing systems. This is where the most important suppliers in the optics industry meet interested users.

For you as GUDECO customers, this trade fair also offers interesting insights - not least due to the focus on the direct transfer of research findings into everyday operations.


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