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05.03.2024 - 06.03.2024
Di - Mi




Messe Friedrichshafen
Neue Messe 1
88046 Friedrichshafen

„all about automation“ in Friedrichshafen

Current and future systems, components, engineering solutions and software will be presented during the individual events. They all focus on industrial automation, industrial robotics and industrial communication.

We are pleased to be represented as the GUDECO team with our own exhibition stand!

The dates are:

  • Hamburg (17.-18.01.2024)
  • Friedrichshafen (05.-06.03.2024)
  • Chemnitz (18.-19.09.2024)

Further information, for example on tickets, directions and the program, can be found at www.allaboutautomation.de.


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